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Issues addressed by this activity are the perpetuation of stereotypes and prejudice through the media and the use and misuse of images to provide information and to evoke emotive responses.


  • To explore how pictures are used in the press.
  • To develop skills of critical analysis


  • Time: 45 minutes
  • Group size: 6+


  • Print the photos of the handouts, preferably in A3 format, colour.
  • Strips of paper, pens, pins or tape to attach pictures to the walls.


  1. Pin or tape the pictures on a wall.
  2. Give participants strips of plain paper and ask them to look at each picture in turn and then to write two alternative headlines, one positive and one negative, on separate strips of paper.
  3. When everyone is ready stick the headlines under the pictures, clustering the positive ones on the left side and the negative ones on the right side. Offer 10 minutes for this.
  4. After all participants placed their headlines offer another 5 minutes for them to review the photos and the headlines that were associated to them.


  • How many different interpretations were there for each picture?
  • Why do you think that different people see different things in the same picture?
  • Pictures are considered to show the truth and are often an instrument that is used to back a claim. To what extent do you think pictures show the truth of what happened in a situation?
  • What can this activity teach us about the use of pictures to convey information, arouse emotions, provoke sympathy etc?


Method inspired from the Education Pack "all different - all equal", Council of Europe, second edition revised in 2016, pg 176-177,, 09/10/2019





This project was co-financed by the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Commission  

Co-founded by the Eramsus+ Programme of the European Union

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein 


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