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Participants learn about migration causes and destinies of respective migrants – their challenges and opportunities, in the shape of a labyrinth


  • Theoretical understanding of the 3 main causes of migration, exploring challenges and opportunities of different type migrants.


  • 3 flipchart sheets, coloured markers, markers and pencils
  • Time: 90 minutes


  1. Divide participants into three groups. Each group receives a flipchart paper and drawing materials.
  2. Each group has to design a path in a form of a labyrinth for one of three types of migrants: family-based, economic, refugees. In each labyrinth there should be one or several starting points (reasons), various obstacles (challenges), points of interests (opportunities), possible exits – up to the imagination of the participants. Make sure that each group understands the meaning of the type of migrant it got.
  3. Ask groups to share their labyrinth.


  • To sum up, what are the reasons of migration? From your experience, which ones are the most common, for example in your country, for immigration/ emigration?
  • If you compare the paths of the different types of migrants presented, which one seems the most difficult one for you? Do you think there is always possible to find an exit? Would you add some more ideas about challenges and opportunities to each other’s labyrinths?
  • Could you come up with some real stories – examples of migration, analyzing them using a labyrinth model?





This project was co-financed by the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Commission  

Co-founded by the Eramsus+ Programme of the European Union

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein 


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