This activity will allow participants to reflect on changes to which they can contribute to. The changes aim at creating more inclusive communities and a more inclusive world.
- To identify potential areas of improvement to which participants can contribute.
- Time: 40 min.
- Materials:
4 sheets of flipchart paper, one for each of the subtopics;
4 different coloured markers — one for each subtopic.
- Write on 4 flipcharts the following questions (one/flipchart):
A. How can we create an inclusive environment in our class/school, where our colleagues with a different cultural background would feel welcome?
B. How can we encourage our colleagues with a different cultural background to be more present in activities that are happening outside the classroom?
C. How can we encourage/determine our colleagues to show an inclusive behaviour so that our colleagues with a different cultural background would feel welcome?
D. How can we encourage/determine our community to show an inclusive behaviour so that our colleagues with a different cultural background would feel welcome?
- Divide the participants into 4 groups. Ask each group to start from one of the flipcharts and, for about 5 minutes, to brainstorm answers to the questions posted on it. When the time is up, each group will move clockwise to the next flipchart and, again, for 5 minutes, propose answers to the question there. This will be repeated 4 times so that each group will be able to offer potential answers to each of the questions on the flipchart papers.
- Post all the answers on the walls of the training room and encourage participants to explore them and write in their learning diaries the answers that inspired them the most and the solutions they could also use in their own community.
- What can be done immediately?
- What can be done in the near future?
- What can be the contribution of each?
- What are the main obstacles you might face?
- How can these be overcome?