Issues addressed
- Personal identity
- Accepting and celebrating diversity
- We are all different and all equal
- To discover the diversity within the group
- To develop communication skills
- To get to know each other and develop a good group feeling
Time: 20 minutes
Group size: 10+ persons
- Copies of the handout and pens ‑ one per person
- Ask each player to fill in the question sheet and then to try to find someone else who has the same answers to all the questions. If they can't find someone, ask them to try to find someone with whom they share four characteristics, if they can't do that - then someone with three or at least two!
- Reconvene the group and have a short reflection on the experience.
- Have you enjoyed this activity? Could you share more about your answer?
- How many people found someone else with all five ‑ four ‑ three ‑ two ‑ one characteristic in common?
- What diversity of religion, taste in music, pet hates, favourite drinks etc. is there in the group?
- If you are such a diverse group how are you going to be able to work together?
Method adapted from Education Pack "all different - all equal", Council of Europe, second edition revised in 2016, pg 156-157, https://rm.coe.int/1680700aac, 09/10/2019
Seeking similarities and discovering diversity:
Write in the answers to the questions below and then try to find someone else who has the same answers to all the questions. If you can't do it, try to find someone with whom you share four characteristics - or three - or two - or are you unique?
- I was born in……………..
- My religion is…………….
- I am allergic to…………..
- My pet hate is…………….
- My favourite music is…………..