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This activity allows participants to think about situations in which persons were discriminated or even aggressed because of their ethnical or religious background.


  • To raise awareness on the different manifestations of discrimination and exclusion in society;
  • To start identifying what each participant can do to prevent these from occurring or continuing.


  • Materials: 1 copy of the “4 Quadrants” handout for each participant.
  • Time: 45 min.


  1. Give each participant a copy of the 4 quadrants handout. Explain to each of them the meaning of the 4 words, also offering a personal example.
  2. Ask participants to select a partner (or to group by three or four) and to share in these pairs an example of a time when they played one of these roles.
  3. Reconvene the group and discuss the following:


  • Was it easy to identify these 4 occasions? Which one was the most difficult to remember?
  • How did it make you feel to remember those 4 situations?
  • How did you feel remembering about times when you were the perpetrator? What made you act as one? How could have someone prevented you from doing that?
  • How can a “bystander” be turned into a “healer”?
  • What can we learn from this activity?




Method adapted from:

NANCY FLOWERS, Marcia Bernbaum, Kristi Rudelius – Palmer, and Joel Tolman (2000), “The Human Rights Education Handbook. Effective Practices   for Learning, Action and Change”, Human Rights Resource Center, University of Minnesota,


4 Quadrants Activity

Remember a situation in which you were a:


A time when, because of your belonging to a specific social group, someone said or did something to you that hurt you


A time when you disadvantaged someone because of his/her belonging to a specific social group (migrant/refugee/asylum seeker/religious minority/ethnical minority).


A time when a person was disadvantaged because his/her belonging to a specific social group (migrant/refugee/asylum seeker/religious minority/ethnical minority) and you just witnessed it without intervening.


A time when a person was disadvantaged because his/her belonging to a specific social group and you intervened to stop it.






This project was co-financed by the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Commission  

Co-founded by the Eramsus+ Programme of the European Union

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein 


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